kahje — OIRIS+ICA On« of th« most mistcrious organization pr«s«nt on KAHJE is ^INISTICA. Founded / Hanar :: Volus :: ME расы :: ME OC :: Mass Effect :: ArtemyMaslov :: фэндомы

ME OC Volus ME расы Hanar ArtemyMaslov ...Mass Effect фэндомы 
kahje —
On« of th« most mistcrious organization pr«s«nt on KAHJE is ^INISTICA. Founded centuries ago by a human opportunist named Phil from Earth as a place for all kind of art. it's become a sort of ruler, powerful and extremely dangerous.
Due to the fact what Hanar have their own
kahje — OIRIS+ICA On« of th« most mistcrious organization pr«s«nt on KAHJE is ^INISTICA. Founded centuries ago by a human opportunist named Phil from Earth as a place for all kind of art. it's become a sort of ruler, powerful and extremely dangerous. Due to the fact what Hanar have their own top secret organization specialized in the field of espionage and assassination, some time the common Hanars use the services «PINISTICA kindly provide to the species of their kind. Furthermore there is a rumors what few times the Patriarch Hanar Council was forced to turn for help to ePINISTICA. Whether this is true or not is unknown. The government of the planet nevertheless denied that rumors, and CPINISTICA is too busy to discuss it. But for common visiter from any corner of the galaxy the main temple of this organisation, based on Kahje planet is a place of music, art and incredible stories The place where species can forget about anything and take a ride, deep into their imagination. No matter what species you are. how far away is your sector from the Kahje. Once you get to this place, you want it to stay and CPINISTICA temple of art is one of the reason. 73--------
ME OC,Mass Effect,фэндомы,Volus,ME расы,Hanar,ArtemyMaslov
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