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Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes

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Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes

Space Wolves Varagyr Cataphract
Varagyr Thecn Okthein or the Blood-Worm The Woif Knoc’s Retinue, First Geeat Company The Proshjjne Censure Hosr.oof M31
One of (he hundred- strong Varagyr retinue which accompanied the Wolf King during ihe fighting at Tizca, Ortheln saw combat throughout the

The Space Wolves
'It iraftm not hnv high your walls soar,
It rnattm not how many will ansuvr your call. It mattm not how kwi your blaile glimmers, Nor how bight burns your hearth /¡w.
The wolf waits,
The wolf waits in darkness for us all.'
From the Lay of Crimnr Cold-Tongue The Fenrisinn

Much of the martial record of the Space Wolves' involvement in the latter stages of the wars of the Great Crusade remains known only to themselves, and only from time to time do their wars stray from the shadow into the light. When it occurs, this is often by simple virtue of the

Title (Formal/Base): Hie Legio Custodes Magna Imperator
Banner Imperialist Chamber Militant of the Imperial Household
Magisterium: Lex Ultima (authority within accorded duty incontestable except by the direct and expressed word of the Master of Mankind).
Cognomen (Informal): The Custodian

The Thousand Sons
Numeration: The XV* Legion
Primogenitor: Magnus the Red
Cognomen: (Prior) None.
Observed Strategic Tendencies: Psychic Warfare, Precision Assaults, Misdirection, Lore Culling, Macro-coordination Multi-theatre Campaigns
Noteworthy Domains: Prospero Allegiance: Trairoris

The truth of history is that failure does noi follow infamy. Viciory does not cling to nobility, or what some might call purity. So while many might have preferred to forget it, the Thousand Sons were not simply sorcerers, they were warriors, and highly effective warriors


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Space Wolves Varagyr Cataphract Varagyr Thecn Okthein or the Blood-Worm The Woif Knoc’s Retinue, First Geeat Company The Proshjjne Censure Hosr.oof M31 One of (he hundred- strong Varagyr retinue which accompanied the Wolf King during ihe fighting at Tizca, Ortheln saw combat throughout the anomalous event known as the 'lmpwflWf Battle1. After-action reports filed with the Divisio Militaris and even a stanza in the Fenrisian Saga of Prosper® list Ortheln among the dead, yet in the campaigns following the Prosperine Crusade, he appears very much alive and active in the ranks of the First Great Company. According to several eye witnesses and the oral saga, Ortheln was slain in the last few moments of the battle, one of the few Space Wolves to have breached the walls of the Pyramid of Photcp, locked in combat with members of the Thousand Sons Scarab Occult. This confusing anomaly has been put down to the influence of the Thousand Sons sorcery that occluded the fleet's sensors and warped the weather, though as the Homs Heresy erupted, Ortheln is present at a surprising number of incidents involving aberrant Waip activity. The armour worn by Ortheln bears a number of ornate decorations. Ritual knotwork covers his pauldrons and gorget, the patterns having great ritual significance to the Fenrisian warrior cult that had spread throughout the VI* Legion. The intricate patterns on his pauldrons act as a marker of the legend Ortheln had forged over years of battle, but also serve a more practical purpose by illustrating his tactical specialities for ease of identification during battle. In addition to the various decorative and pseudo-religious symbols, Ortheln also carries a Fenrisian wolf pelt and a number of fangs from the same beast, such trophies served as badges of rank within the Legion, often borne by squad leaders and vetetans in lieu of any other mark of office. Modified Pauldron - Featuring "Wyrm Mark' Decoration
The Space Wolves 'It iraftm not hnv high your walls soar, It rnattm not how many will ansuvr your call. It mattm not how kwi your blaile glimmers, Nor how bight burns your hearth /¡w. The wolf waits, The wolf waits in darkness for us all.' From the Lay of Crimnr Cold-Tongue The Fenrisinn Sagas Numeration: The VI'* Legion Primogenitor Leman Russ Cognomen: None officially recorded, but various informal and idiomatic cognomen inconstantly used. Noteworthy Domains: The death world of Fenris (Enforced Dominion) Allegiance: Fidelitas Sine Recursu Observed Strategic Tendencies: Shock Assault, Search and Destroy, Pursuit Operations, Punitive and Excoriation Campaigns.
DeadofAshkheion Much of the martial record of the Space Wolves' involvement in the latter stages of the wars of the Great Crusade remains known only to themselves, and only from time to time do their wars stray from the shadow into the light. When it occurs, this is often by simple virtue of the fact that they have fought alongside some other body of the Imperium’s military and in doing so are related not in their own words, but in the evidence of comrades whose experience and indeed bias does much to colour their account. The record presented here however draws much of its story from a far colder and more dispassionate account than most—that of the Mcchanicum. The war this account relates was a relatively brief but extremely brutal affair which took place on the world of Ashkhelon-III in a star system of the same name which resides in the Ultima Segmentum, close by what is known as the Colgothan Expanse. Now the Cartographica Imperialis lists Ashkhelon as a dead system, but it was once not so. joined to the Imperium by the 76* Expeditionary Fleet, under Admiral Atemara Luxxor, without armed conflict, it was a faded jewel of humanity's ancient domains, a world with a turbulent atmosphere, poisonous but rich in complex and rare chemical compounds. In order to harvest this bounty, the technological might of the Dark Age of Technology had sunk great sealed dome-cities into the channels of kilometre-deep ravines in the arid world's surface. Scorning the dangers of this hostile world, these cities had once been the home of hundreds of millions, and Ashkhelon no doubt a rich and prosperous world blessed by the fruits of the Dark Age ofTechnology’s high science. But then had come the Age of Strife and the fall of that ancient empire of humanity, and isolated and alone Ashkhelon had suffered. By the time of the arrival of Luxxor’s fleet in orbit through tentative vox-communications with the survivors below, it had been established that their population had fallen to a handful of millions, descendants of the original colony reduced to scavenging and cannibalising the failing dome-cities which comprised the artificial world around them in order to live. The Imperium's boon was an end to their tenuous way of life, an end to want, and the illumination of the Imperial Truth, and in return the long-disused cloud refineries were brought back slowly online by a coterie of magos despatched from the Forge World of Ryza. who took to the task with a holy fervour. For twenty-seven standard years Ashkhelon fulfilled its promise and became a working cog in the vast machine of the ever-expanding Imperium, its population increasing with new colonists, and the Ryzan presence expanding to the extent that the building of a small temple-fane was needed to house the contingent permanently. But it was not just the precious resources of mineral gases which drew in the Mechanicum, but the promise of archacotech. As isolated and hostile as Ashkhelon had been, its very remoteness and hazards had spared it the worst privations of the Age of Strife, or so it seemed, with little or no evidence of xenos attack or marauder raid to mar its surface, or indeed plunder its treasures. Slow decay under a shroud of
Title (Formal/Base): Hie Legio Custodes Magna Imperator Banner Imperialist Chamber Militant of the Imperial Household Magisterium: Lex Ultima (authority within accorded duty incontestable except by the direct and expressed word of the Master of Mankind). Cognomen (Informal): The Custodian Guard, The Ten Thousand, Auric Mortalis (The Golden Death*) Domains (Legal Remit): Wherever the shadow of the Emperor (alls. Domains (Vassalage): The Tower of Hegemon (sovereign sub-fortification; Imperial Palace). Various fortresses, vassals, chattel, void craft, ministries and claims unknown to any but themselves upon the Throne World of Mankind, throughout the Sol System and beyond. ‘Only in Dfflllt do a Duly End.* First Maxim of the Legio Custodes 'No Vigil is Absolute save llial of the gods.' Allrib lo llie Salarix Urail 112
The Thousand Sons Numeration: The XV* Legion Primogenitor: Magnus the Red Cognomen: (Prior) None. Observed Strategic Tendencies: Psychic Warfare, Precision Assaults, Misdirection, Lore Culling, Macro-coordination Multi-theatre Campaigns Noteworthy Domains: Prospero Allegiance: Trairoris Perdica ‘A inker will nuiv three great errors on their aseent, no matter how bold their spirit, or kern their tight The first error it to believe they have reaehed the end of the path when in truth they hour only taken the first step. The setond error it to believe that the end of one path is the beginning of another. The third error it to believe that any price it worth paying to lake another step. These are the errors, Iheir number it three, and their reward it the loss of all they have ever giined and ever loved.' Aeolus the Letter, Trartalus Angelus 140
 Exemplary Battles The truth of history is that failure does noi follow infamy. Viciory does not cling to nobility, or what some might call purity. So while many might have preferred to forget it, the Thousand Sons were not simply sorcerers, they were warriors, and highly effective warriors in the Emperor's service at that before their condemnation. The records of the Great Crusade show that they won as many victories as their brothers, but what a simple reading of these figures can conceal is that they achieved this often with far fewer warriors, and often their victories were both clean and decisive. One is forced to wonder, had they not been cursed with the Flesh Change, what they might have achieved. The Accixedine Defiance This was one of the XV* Legion's first engagements after its foundation. Acceredine was the dominant enclave on the human-colonised world of Cast us, which lay close to the Sol System. The world had surrendered and submitted to Compliance after only a cursory engagement with the forces of the Creat Crusade, and had swiftly been turned into a temporary staging node from which the Great Crusade forces launched deeper into the unknown. Castus was a world of feudal warriors who fought with the weapons passed down to them out of the darkness of the Age of Strife. Divided into a Hundred Enclaves each led by a warrior chieftain, they existed in a state of constant, low-grade conflict. Proud and direct, many of them were immediately gathered into the various arms of the Great Crusade fleets and sent to conquer other planets in the name of the Master of Mankind. A blood price for each warrior was paid by the Imperium to their families in an echo of the mercenary traditions that had existed on Castus long before their sons and daughters went to fight wars for their new Emperor. For a brief time all seemed well. Forces flowed through Castus and scattered to the stars, the warriors of the Hundred Enclaves gathering in their archaeo-armour to make a blood contract to the Imperium before boarding the landing ships which dotted Castus' plains. Not all on Castus submitted to the yoke of their new masters willingly, however. To some the old traditions of blood service and honour had been subverted, and they saw the Imperium, which they were now a part of, as little more than a parasite draining them of their strength. Chief amongst these dissenters was Assilla Gedyr, Chieftain of the Acceredine Enclave. A year after the Compliance of Castus, Gedyr renounced her oath to the Emperor, calling on those bom of Castus to do the same. The heads of a hundred iterators, officials, and garrisoning troops were taken to mark the beginning of her war. The rebellion spread across Castus with the speed of a fire across plains of dry grass. While many of Castus' warriors had been drawn off to fight in the Creat Crusade, many remained and they were formidable. Their strongholds were constructed of plasma-tempered metal, their armour could turn all but the most potent weapons, and while the Age of Strife had taken much, it had left them with the mysteries of power field generators, plasma channelling and much more besides. Caught off-guard, the 3= 156 rjg
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes
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