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Lion El'Jonson Primarchs Kim Chan wh art Wh Alternative Wh Other ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Г V ifl JF A	“уй , ./ 0¡/*$ г £ W		■ 7 в С ™/ ,4	^^Ни/г ^ВМ\Т/' 77’Sï	г*, .*	ш
К Ш «Vf	ítffл i V £Шг 1'Ж'Мг,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Kim Chan,wh art,Wh Alternative,Wh Other

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Kim Chan,wh art,Wh Alternative,Wh Other

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	А ЗкШШмП,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Kim Chan,wh art,Wh Alternative,Wh Other

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Kim Chan,wh art,Wh Alternative,Wh Other

Lionel Heresy - Lion El' Johnson
Everchosen, Evermaster, Black Sword of Caliban, Master of the Hunt, Black Lion, Warmaster
"I don't care who knows the truth now, tomorrow or in ten thousand years from now. Loyalty is its own reward." - at the time of the Battle of Istvaan , capturing Kurze.

Leaving the Legion's command to Holguin, the Lion immersed himself in meditation in the flagship's private room, and recalled the future he saw and felt, for a long time. Only the Primarch's spirit protected him from madness, but even for him, the dark future was a daunting fact. What bothered the

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Lionel Heresy - Lion El' Johnson Everchosen, Evermaster, Black Sword of Caliban, Master of the Hunt, Black Lion, Warmaster "I don't care who knows the truth now, tomorrow or in ten thousand years from now. Loyalty is its own reward." - at the time of the Battle of Istvaan , capturing Kurze. Lion El'Johnson, The Lion of Caliban is the protagonist of Heresy, and the general instigator of all acts of treason done in it. He had won every battle since he became Warmaster and had the entire galaxy under his command. His thoroughness, secret plans and superior skills drove countless noble men into the depths of ruin. The Emperor's first son used his supreme position in the most certain and twisted direction, and the Black Lion of Caliban now the confirmed Knight of Chaos, the Beast of destruction. The devastating battle between the Rangdan and Dark Angels was the greatest ordeal and achievement for First Legion and its Primarch, as despite the difficulties they managed to completely and utterly wipe out the threatening xenos off the map. Or at least, so they thought in the beginning. When Warmaster Lion heard that the Rangdan had somehow survived, he went himself to the scene of battle to confirm this. But the xenos the Warmaster and First Legion met were not the same race of the past. It was still strong and dangerous, but unlike before, they were even more twisted and wrong, using strange magic and leaving no dead bodies even if they were knocked down. Nevertheless, the sons of the Lion carried out the operation silently, and the firm advance of the Warmaster and Deathwing squadrons at the center finally reached Rangdan's chiefs. It was then, at the last moments, that one of the foul xenos became a giant bird-man figure and all the Legion members, except for the Lion at the scene, were appalled at the sight. The profane being had two heads, and he gibbled incessantly from his two mouths, talking unknown things and many fell under his sorcery and hands. Only Lion endured its power and approached the profane thing, which proved to be a mistake. In that moment, as it was struck down by the Warmaster's sword, it touched the Primarch's mind with his own; an insultingly wicked touch which instilled a long, dark illusion in the Lion, which was a shocking sight that even he had never imagined. In the whirlwind of such evil vision, it was Horus Lupercal who rose to the position of Warmaster, instigating soon enough a rebellion as Horus and his allies grew depraved by Lorgar Aurelian's conspiracy and deceit, and the future directly presented by the god of change was imprinted on Warmaster. The end of such a nightmare vision, which lasted for 10,000 years, was the moment when the descendants of the ragged, crude Imperium lost Cadia and the entire galaxy was torn apart. Returning to his senses, Lion El'Johnson soon finished carving out the daemon in front of him, but this ugly creature just laughed and dispersed. At the same time, all Rangdan also turned into dust, and the war ended in victory, but the spirit of Warmaster was never the same.
Leaving the Legion's command to Holguin, the Lion immersed himself in meditation in the flagship's private room, and recalled the future he saw and felt, for a long time. Only the Primarch's spirit protected him from madness, but even for him, the dark future was a daunting fact. What bothered the Lion the most however was that half his brothers betrayed his Father, and by such terrible betrayal he himself suffered and he failed, and his father rotted with the Imperium for 10,000 years, all his brothers dead or worse as reality was tom apart and mankind was defeated by darkness. This was an unacceptable future. The Warmaster, in a state of madness and paranoia after what he has seen, began making grand plans to prevent it. Lion wanted to face the underlying instability of his brothers, including himself, and to compensate for it. But, as some of the brothers couldn't hide, not all Primarchs were fully loyal to their Father's Imperium, and all had the potential to cause great harm to mankind. The Primarchs the Emperor got from trading with the gods were essentially encroached on the warp, and even Astartes were connected to their Primarchs making them vulnerable to corruption. So it was that the Warmaster decided to wipe out all these weak points. Lion planned for the destruction of all "weak chainlinks" the Legions as soon as the Great Cmsade was concluded, as the only thing that could surely destroy the mighty angels of death was himself. To do this, a single great war would have been enough and while it would burn the entire galaxy and kill trillions of humans, he considered this a small loss in his ruthless and mad calculations, same as the Emperor had thought out his plan to achieve his long-cherished desire to cut off humanity from the warp's influence. Although the intent of the Chaos gods was the rebellion and corruption of the Lion, even they could not understand the truth inside of him, but it mattered not as long as he did what they wanted. So Lion El'Johnson decided to rebel against the Imperium. No one was free from this dreadful purge plan, and he and his sons were no exception. If the Heresy was to happen, the most noble would fall and become the evil daemons who deserved to die, and the ugliest will fall in battle and remain ephemeral and good, and in the end, the sword of First Legion would bloom over the last beating heart. Whoever remained of the handful of Legions would be a monster covered in hate, evil works, and madness, and would be executed by the last human hand, finally destroying the last enemy and the legacy of the warp.
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Kim Chan,wh art,Wh Alternative,Wh Other
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